Supporting ministry in the city
Inspired by Christ’s love, emboldened by his Spirit, and recognising that everything that they had was a good gift from their Heavenly Father, the early church was marked by the generosity that comes from lives transformed by the gospel.
We, too, hope to live lives transformed by the gospel and pray that we would be marked with the same generosity. This generosity takes many forms: showing hospitality, freely forgiving those who wrong us, giving our time to serve others, lifting up others to share our privileges, and sacrificial financial giving.
Paul speaks about this last kind of generosity as a ministry in its own right that helps meet the needs of the church (supporting both inward and outward ministry), and as a way to give thanks to God for what he has done for us:
‘For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.’
2 Corinthians 9:12
Our ministry is funded through the generous giving of those who are part of our congregation and by those who want to support our mission of sharing Christ and serving the city. If you are a guest, please don’t feel under any obligation to give, but particularly if you are a regular, please prayerfully consider giving to support the ministry here from what God has given you.
These offerings cover various costs of ministry including staff, the upkeep of the facilities that we share with the Stadtmission am Kap, as well as outreach to the neighbourhood and surrounds.
In these initial stages of planting, our finances are administered by our planting church, the Stadtmission am Kap. If you would like to support us, you can use their bank details below, using “TBKCC” as your reference.
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Milnerton
Account name: Stadtmission Kapstadt
Account Number: 071185275
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Ministry Partners
3A Devonport Road, Tamboerskloof
Cape Town, South Africa